Not Long Until They Leave Home!!
Today was Edward's first day at nursery. I say first day he is going two afternoons a week, 4 hours each... 4 heavenly hours to do with my time whatever I so wish, ahhhhh...
Both children are up for 6.30am today and breakfast seems a little less chaotic than the usual tantrum throwing, banana-smearing hour! Don’t be mislead, there was still a considerable about of debris and a few points where my eye twitch made an appearance. BUT on the whole a good start to the day.
I tell myself continuously it’s going to be a good day, I smile through all the “Not now Mummy’s” and calmly respond with “Ok darling” and throw in some snuggles and kisses to keep everyone calm and collected on this momentous day.
Everyone is ready and I have managed to pack Edward's ‘leave at nursery bag’. Now that was challenging... you don’t want to put expensive tidy clothes in but then you don’t want your child to be wearing some hideous outfit because, “It doesn’t matter if it gets ruined”.
I remember the first time I picked Felicity up; there were kids with smudged, muddy faces and dirty clothes running across a muddy lawn with trollies and naked, wrecked dolls, it was like a scene from a poorly rehearsed battle re-enactment and there she was my little princess, the lady of the house who would never touch anything dirty, wearing “Jack Age 3” khaki T-shirt and her pink leggings... I didn’t pack enough spares! She ran straight by me and I thought “gosh that one looks like one of the lost boys”. Then my jaw literally dropped and as I fought back the look of pure horror trying desperately to show on my face. She spotted me. She is running towards me and all I can do is beam at the fact I’m going to get the best hug ever! I think to myself I should really take time to cherish this because when we get home, she is getting hosed down in the bath and she’s not going to be happy about me getting the caked in sand, mud and well not sure what the blue stuff is but all of that out of her hair.
Best part is that all this messy fun is with her friends in a huge gorgeous space that I don’t have to tidy after! It’s awesome!
Best part is that all this messy fun is with her friends in a huge gorgeous space that I don’t have to tidy after! It’s awesome!
Anyway, back to Edward’s first day…We’re headed down to the car and about to jump in when my darling daughter shouts “Mummy poo poo please”. Well, I drop everything, run around to Edward’s side and tear him from his car seat, I grab Felicity and I charge for the lift. We manage to get to the loo and she insists on sitting on her own. I’ve not got time for this but I like the fact she has so much Sass and obviously more importantly independence and the Sass. It is funny! So I follow my orders and stand outside the door waiting for the green light to help out at the end. I wait... and wait... and wait...
“Oooops!! No wee or poo poo Mummy!” My Sassy princess shouts! “Silly Itty”, she chuckles.
Off we go again and finally get to nursery. I take Edward to his little baby area and he toddles off lapping up the attention. I am so proud and would love to just revel in this happy, warm feeling I'm experiencing and watch my little boy go and play and explore this new adventure. However, Felicity has other ideas and is screaming at me to take Edward with me. She pulls on my clothes like an angry bear, growling and stomping, which wouldn’t usually be a problem but today, as it was a free afternoon I made an extra special effort for lunch with Rob and wore a scoop neck, fairly fitted dress. AWKWARD! After numerous wardrobe malfunctions and receiving a mix of sympathy and rather disgruntled looks from other 'normal' parents I am now leaving the nursery feeling like the worse mother ever whilst Felicity is shouting, “Mummy I’ll help you clean”, bless, that is what I told her my afternoon would consist off to put her off.
I get in the car and it’s a bittersweet moment. I’m happy to finally get to be Vic again but my little ones are growing up too fast. My lip drops and I feel myself getting teary! Pull yourself together woman you can eat a hot meal and maybe have a cheeky cold wine. All at a pace where crippling indigestion is definitely not on the cards!
Hello Me! This is the Life! Secretly, I can’t wait to collect them!!
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