Shopping Revelations
Today I met a woman who will change my life forever... well that’s a bit dramatic but she will certainly change my shopping trips for the foreseeable!! I have been a full time resident in Jersey for just shy of 4 years. My usual supermarket is Waitrose, which is lovely and filled to the brim with many items I top my trolley with. However, I feel that every time I go with the children it takes forever to get around and they both get bored easily and then the last stretch is one of tantrums and bribery. In addition, I have recently been drawn to the advertisements regarding the co-operative massively reducing their plastic packaging, selling far more local produce and saving you money. Soooo, I have been very proud of my little adventures to a co-operative that I never knew existed until about a couple of months ago! The child-friendly parking spaces are huge and you could easily park horizontal (I’m often not far off, yup, I'm probably snapped for Jersey Parking Fa...